Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blogging - so what, who cares?

As the teacher, I try to make the content relevant.  As an ancient history teacher, it becomes more of a task to create a meaningful learning experience for my students with an event that occurred thousands of years ago.  So, how do I find out if all of my creative planning works?

Ms. Chilcoat's students will now be blogging!

This blog will dedicate itself to the seventh grade voice.  A voice of new perspective and understanding.  By visiting this site, you will experience two perspectives on each day's lesson.  One will be me, the teacher. I will post my goals for the lesson and the learning experience I worked to create.  The other will be from a student in my class.  My students will personally attempt to answer the question everyone has asked at one point or another -- SO WHAT, WHO CARES?

For me, this will be an opportunity to assess my student's knowledge of the content.  For my students, this will be their opportunity to personally reflect on their knowledge of the content.  Together, we might learn from each other.

So, to answer the original question - Blogging may just be what education needs; not another test, but an outlet where proof of learning can find it's own voice.

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